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Clark County Green News

Current Green Schools news, articles and information

Green Schools Educator Ellen Ives Stepping Away From Position at Waste Connections

By: Ellen Ives  After eight years working as the schools educator with Waste Connections, my last day in this job will be November 4th. Rest assured, a person will be hired in my place. The time we've spent together through these years, discovering, and learning of the impact that we humans have on the health of the planet that supports our li...

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Fall Secondary Student Summit - November 3rd!

Fall Secondary Student Summit - November 3rd!

We are so excited to announce the Fall Student Summit Events with our partners at EarthGen!  We invite students and educators from Clark County to come together to learn about sustainability and environmental action projects. In-Person Secondary Student Summit - Thursday, Nov. 3rd, 9am-1pm We can't wait to be back in p...

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Clark County Educator Training - Oct 4th

We are excited to be back in person and to host you at our Fall Educator Training!  Clark County Green Schools is offering substitute reimbursement - please email samantha.springs@clark.wa.gov for more information. Two STEM clock hours will be offered for educators who complete this training.  At the Fall Educator Training, we i...

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Cafeteria Waste Sorting Training Videos

Cafeteria waste sorting can be challenging for new students, especially during the first few months of school. Our team has developed some kid-friendly training videos to help educate students about how to properly utilize cafeteria waste management materials. Sort Table Training Video   Clark County Green Schools provides sort ...

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La Center High School Awarded National Green Ribbon Award from U.S. Dept. of Education

La Center High School has been awarded the United States Department of Education's Green Ribbon Award, in national recognition of their inspiring sustainability efforts. Clark County Green Schools has supported La Center High School's sustainability work for over a decade from a local level. Samantha Springs, Clark County Green Schools lead, said t...

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