Most Green Teams are looking for ways to expand their reach and do more with less. We'll do our best to pass along grant opportunities we come across. Check back often.
Neighborhood Grants
Is there a project that you would like to complete for your school? The Vancouver Watersheds Alliance offers grants up to $2,000 for community projects in the City of Vancouver. Projects must enhance sustainability through volunteer-driven, on-the-ground environmental work or education. Your school must be in a recognized City of Vancouver Neighborhood Association. MORE INFO
Grants Looking for funds for your green team initiatives? Stay on top of grants offered by OSPI School Facilities:
Keep America Beautiful Recycling Bin Grant
Outdoor container grant for public athletic fields. MORE INFO
Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association – Adopt-a-School
Grant support for stormwater education including bus transportation for field trips to wastewater treatment facilities. MORE INFO
Seeds for Education
Native garden grant for plants and seeds. MORE INFO
Celebrate Urban Birds
Grants to connect communities with nature, birds, arts, and citizen science. No bird experience is required. MORE INFO
WWF Food Waste Warrior Grants
Offers mini-grants and large grants to empower teachers and administrators in all schools to engage their students and take action on the issue of food waste. MORE INFO
Washington State Parks and Recreations - No Child Left Inside Grant
Grants that provide under-served youth with quality opportunities to experience the natural world. Grant funds are available for outdoor environmental, ecological, agricultural, or other natural resource-based education and recreation programs serving youth. MORE INFO
EPA Environmental Education Grants