School Grounds & Gardens

kids learning outdoors

  • Learn how to incorporate school grounds and gardens into academic curricula.
  • Integrate the outdoor classroom and foster collaboration with the district maintenance staff and start an edible garden, eliminate the use of pesticides, and plant native species and remove invasive species.
  • Improve school grounds while connecting to nature with projects such as building trails on your school’s campus or planting shade trees.

For more information about stormwater projects contact Eric Lambert at For more information about garden projects, visit the WSU Clark County Extension and the Master Gardener Program, or contact Erika Johnson at

Clark County School Grounds and Gardens Map 2022–2023

We’ve created a map that highlights school gardens, outdoor classrooms, greenhouses and more around Clark County. Each pin represents a school that has an outdoor feature or has plans to add one in the future. If you have more information on any of these schools, please email, and we will add it to the map!

Resources: free garden-centric curriculum, lesson plans, lending libraries, how-to's, and more!

Garden Guides and Toolkits

Farm to School Network - Starting and Maintaining a School Garden

Farm to School Network - Starting and Maintaining a School Garden - Spanish

Starting a Preschool Garden

Got Dirt?  - ¿Hay Tierra?


Local Resources


National/Regional Resources

Video Resources

Check out these videos to be shown in the classroom or during morning announcements. They can be a great educational tool and support your sustainability, recycling and composting efforts.

Waste Reduction

Learn to reduce, reuse, recycle, and rot (compost) to decrease the waste that goes into landfills.