Clark County Green News

Current Green Schools news, articles and information

New Washington Green Schools At-Home Certification - Who's trying it and what do they think?

At the end of October, Washington Green Schools rolled out their latest certification level to allow students to make environmental changes at home and certify their school. With most students learning at home right now, we wanted to find ways to still engage with students and bring the learning home. Check out the full At-Home Certificat...

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Virtual resources are here - Google Earth transfer station tour and more!

The Clark County Green Schools team has been working hard over the last several months to deliver interesting, high-quality educational materials for students throughout Clark County. We have created a few virtual tours on Google Earth of the West Vancouver Materials Recovery Station and another comprehensive tour that shows where waste g...

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  2208 Hits

At-Home Certification - a new Washington Green Schools certification category

Washington Green Schools has pivoted its offerings to help reach students in their home environment. Many Green Teams around Clark County use certification as a framework for their environmental projects. It's a great way to have a structure and focus and also receive recognition for their efforts at a statewide level.  Traditionally...

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  1147 Hits

Virtual resources coming soon!


The Clark County Green Schools team has been hard at work adapting what we offer to allow for the virtual learning environment. We hope to continue to serve and educate your students in waste reduction, recycling, composting and overall sustainability, even while they are studying at home or in a hybrid format. Just as you have been experiencing, i...

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  836 Hits

Clark County VIRTUAL Fall Educator Training

While this school year has thrown lots of challenges at us all, we are still here to help you keep moving forward with your great environmental work. Clark County Green Schools and Washington Green Schools have been working together to rethink how to continue to engage with our schools and Green Teams, even in thi...

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