Clark County Green News

Current Green Schools news, articles and information

Join the WasteBusters Challenge! Green Teams, classes, teachers, students - anyone can join!


Join the WasteBusters Challenge! Each year, our Clark County Green Neighbors program, which handles residential waste reduction and sustainability outreach, hosts an annual WasteBusters Challenge to support the community in their efforts to curb unnecessary production of waste. We encourage Green Teams, classes, school staff and individual stu...

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  703 Hits

Washington Green Schools has changed their name...what is it and why?

You may have heard that Washington Green Schools has made a change, and it's a big one! They've changed their name to EarthGen.  Here at Clark County Green Schools we've worked extensively with Washington Green Schools, now EarthGen, since their inception over a decade ago and our relationship will stay the same. They help support ou...

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  1160 Hits

EarthGen (formerly Washington Green Schools) virtual winter training - February 9 - register now

Register now to secure your spot at the EarthGen (formerly Washington Green Schools) Winter Training. Whether you are familiar with the programs EarthGen offers and a veteran in the program, or just hearing about it for the first time, there will be something for everyone.  Register HERE and see the flyer below for more details. We miss e...

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  891 Hits

We’re still teaching waste reduction! Book your virtual lesson!

We can meet with your class remotely. Waste reduction lessons are now available! Learning how to reduce waste links with standards and remains vital for our environmental safety. Clark County Green Schools has been hard at work producing a virtual learning center,  videos and Google Earth virtual tours the past few months. We can cus...

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  881 Hits

Support and training is coming up - virtual check-ins and Washington Green Schools Winter Training - register now!

 We want to provide you as much support as you need as we navigate these new ways of engaging with students.  Our winter training is set for February 9th via Zoom, but Washington Green Schools is also scheduling small group and one-on-one check-ins to provide support as you need it. They are also only an email or phone call away for ...

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  871 Hits