Clark County Green News

Current Green Schools news, articles and information

Washougal High School changes to real dishware and ditches the disposables

What if more students enjoyed their school lunch on a washable plate instead of paper boat or plastic clamshell and with an actual fork instead of plastic fork? What would the dining experience be like? How much waste could be reduced? Would money be saved by investing in durable dishware? What about more scratch cooking instead of p...

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Student Summit Speakers announced - Get registered today!

Clark County students will have an opportunity to hear from some amazing speakers at the upcoming Student Summits in May. The elementary and middle school Summit is May 12 and high school Summit is May 19. With a career focus, this year's Summit will give students an opportunity to get a snapshot of careers in sustainabilit...

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Gaiser Middle School earns the county's first At-Home certification

Earlier this year we worked with Earth Gen, formerly Washington Green Schools, to come up with a way schools could still work on environmental projects as a group and even receive state-wide certification while learning at home. Early in the school year the At-Home certification category was announced and it became the seventh certificati...

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Register today - Virtual Student Summit coming in May

Like most everything else this year, the Clark County Student Summit will look different. We've gone virtual, AND we've created two Summits to have an age specific experience for everyone.  We're excited to bring a career focus to this year's Summit. Explore different tracks and hear from people working in various fields related to sustainabil...

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Virtual Student Summit announced - Save the date!

Clark County Green Schools and EarthGen, formerly Washington Green Schools, have  partnered for over a decade to bring the Student Summit to the students of Clark County. This year it will look at little different, as everything does right now. We've put our heads together to come up with an exciting Summit for elementary and&nb...

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