Clark County Green News

Current Green Schools news, articles and information

Sami Springs is Clark County Green Schools' newest team member. After graduating from the University of Arizona with a degree in Environmental Sciences and a minor in Spanish, Sami moved to Portland to pursue a career in sustainability education and programs. She served as an AmeriCorps member with Portland Public Schools, teaching students...

Sami Springs is Clark County Green Schools' newest team member. After graduating from the University of Arizona with a degree in Environmental Sciences and a minor in Spanish, Sami moved to Portland to pursue a career in sustainability education and programs. She served as an AmeriCorps member with Portland Public Schools, teaching students about sustainability and implementing resource conservation strategies. Sami has also worked as the Education Coordinator with SCRAP, a nonprofit focused on creative reuse. She is very passionate about educating others about climate change, advocating for social justice and volunteering in her local community. When Sami's off the clock, she enjoys seeing live music, hanging out with friends, petting dogs and exploring the beautiful Pacific Northwest.


EarthGen Winter Teacher Training Recap

teachertrain2 Cameron Steinback introducing EarthGen's Winter Teacher Training.

On Thursday, Feb. 2, EarthGen and Clark County Green Schools hosted the Winter Teacher Training at the West Park Community Room in downtown Vancouver. Teachers from all areas of education throughout Clark County, came together to learn how and why certification with EarthGen is valuable. The leaders of EarthGen provided guidance and advice in a col...

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  752 Hits

Hockinson Middle School Compost Launch


Clark County Green Schools is excited to announce the expansion of sort tables within the Hockinson School District! The Green Team at Hockinson Middle School remembered sorting their lunch waste in elementary school and asked the question, "why don't we sort our waste here?" With approximately half the student body as Hockinson Elementary, the mid...

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Register today! New school garden workshops for teachers


Do you have a school garden or outdoor learning area but don't know how to use it? Good news! The Lower Columbia Nature Network, Lower Columbia School Gardens, Master Gardener Program at WSU Extension, and ESD 112 have teamed up to provide a workshop series to help you find your way and get the tools you need to succeed. These worksh...

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  854 Hits

Reduce and Reuse at your Holiday Party!

Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik

With the holiday season in full swing, there is always so much to celebrate! This year we would like to offer the challenge of bringing the reduce and reuse mindset to your classroom holiday celebrations. This can create an opportunity to teach students about consumption, resources, and their personal power in reducing food and other single-us...

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  865 Hits

Welcome New AmeriCorps Member, Saré!


Hello! I am Saré Campbell, the newest AmeriCorps member for Clark County Public Health. I will serve as both the Green Business Outreach Coordinator and the Clark County Green Schools Outreach Coordinator. I grew up in Moultonborough, New Hampshire, where I spent most of my childhood hiking with my family, boating with friends, and cross-country sk...

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