Clark County Green News

Current Green Schools news, articles and information

Sami Springs is Clark County Green Schools' newest team member. After graduating from the University of Arizona with a degree in Environmental Sciences and a minor in Spanish, Sami moved to Portland to pursue a career in sustainability education and programs. She served as an AmeriCorps member with Portland Public Schools, teaching students...

Sami Springs is Clark County Green Schools' newest team member. After graduating from the University of Arizona with a degree in Environmental Sciences and a minor in Spanish, Sami moved to Portland to pursue a career in sustainability education and programs. She served as an AmeriCorps member with Portland Public Schools, teaching students about sustainability and implementing resource conservation strategies. Sami has also worked as the Education Coordinator with SCRAP, a nonprofit focused on creative reuse. She is very passionate about educating others about climate change, advocating for social justice and volunteering in her local community. When Sami's off the clock, she enjoys seeing live music, hanging out with friends, petting dogs and exploring the beautiful Pacific Northwest.


How Green Schools is adapting our work, to serve YOU!


The days are getting shorter and some trees are even starting to show their fall colors. It feels like the start of a new school year is coming, but the COVID-19 pandemic has thrown a wrench into our well-worn back-to-school routine. At Clark County Green Schools we've been spending the summer listening and learning how sustainability fits into our...

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Local Green Schoolyards and Gardens webinar series - starting August 19th!

Clark County has a wealth of content experts on school gardens and outdoor classrooms. Let's all learn together!  Check out a free webinar series for school garden coordinators, green team leaders, parents, community members, administrators or school facility staff. The series is coordinated by the Clark County Nature ...

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  981 Hits

Pleasant Valley Primary earns Washington Green Schools certification despite school closure - you can too!

As COVID-19 closed schools down, many Green Teams were just getting their environmental projects off the ground. Lots of schools all over the county had plans to certify as a Washington Green School and for some, those plans were put on hold. The supportive team at Washington Green Schools organized a few Zoom report card work sessions to...

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  1017 Hits

2019-2020 Year in Review

Green Teams in schools throughout Clark County did some amazing work this school year. We are so proud of all their efforts to make their schools, and the greater community, more "green." Students, staff and volunteers showed immense commitment to sustainability in schools and being leaders in the community, showing what it can look like ...

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  1231 Hits

May 18th - 40 years since the eruption of Mount St. Helens


This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Mount St. Helens eruption. On May 18th, 1980, a 5.1-magnitude earthquake struck Mount St. Helens. This triggered a landslide on the north side of the mountain, and in turn, a huge air blast shot up ash, stone, and other superheated material into the sky. Pyroclastic flows filled with ash, lava, and g...

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  1976 Hits