Clark County Green News

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Apply for the Waste Not Washington School Awards!


To help schools accomplish their sustainability goals and incorporate more environmental concepts into curricula, the Washington State Department of Ecology is offering awards of up to $5,000 through their Waste Not Washington School Awards program. This is a great opportunity if you need some extra support to expand an existing project or want to implement a brand new one!

 Sustainable School Award

Purchase a new milk dispenser

This category recognizes a school or school district's ongoing efforts to support and expand programs for waste reduction, composting, and recycling. It is available to teachers or staff members of K-12 public, private, or tribal school or school districts applying on behalf of a classroom, school, or school district for projects/curriculum implemented within the past 5 years.

Awards can be used to:

  • Buy educational aids and equipment for waste reduction/recycling programs, such as milk dispensers, durable dishware, educational signage, etc.
  • Integrate sustainability lessons into the curriculum to help meet the goals established by the State of Washington Environmental Education Guidelines

 Seed Award

Invest in durable trays for your cafeteria

This category awards funds to implement school waste reduction and recycling programs. K-12 public, private, or tribal schools can apply in this category. This is intended to not only recognize a school for its past efforts but to support the continuation and future goals of its programs.

Awards can be used to:

  • Buy educational aids and equipment for waste reduction/recycling programs, such as milk dispensers, durable dishware, educational signage, etc.
  • Integrate sustainability lessons into the curriculum to help meet the goals established by the State of Washington Environmental Education Guidelines

 Creative Curriculum Award

Create new curricula, like our recycle relay lesson

This category awards funds to generate newly created and original curricula. It is available to teachers or staff members of a K-12 public, private, tribal school, or district applying on behalf of a school, classroom, school district, local government, tribal government, and not-for-profit/nonprofit organizations.

Curricula must:

  • Introduce students and staff to the concepts of waste reduction, composting, recycling, green chemistry, sustainable design, or circular economy
  • Strive to inspire a sense of environmental stewardship in the students and staff

Find more info and how to apply for an award here. Applications are due Friday, November 19th by 5pm.

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