Clark County Green News

Current Green Schools news, articles and information

Learning about sustainability and the environment from home - resources and activities!

Here at Clark County Green Schools, we are definitely missing getting to work with the amazing students and staff at local schools as they work to make the community greener. Schools may be closed, but we would like to share some of our favorite FREE activities and online resources for exploring sustainability and environmental topics from home. NO...

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Local high school student leaders come together at national conference

​Clark County Green Schools and Washington Green Schools teamed up with Oregon Green Schools and the Center for Green Schools to host a High School Student Summit during the national Green Schools Conference & Expo in Portland in early March. The Green Schools Conference & Expo is a yearly national conference for sc...

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School garden tour recap and upcoming events

NOTE: The event scheduled for March 24th has been cancelled.  The WSU-Extension Master Gardeners, in partnership with the Clark County Nature Network, kicked off their first school garden tour of the season at River HomeLink in Battle Ground. With spring right around the corner, it was a great opportunity for those involved with school gardens...

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Explore Your Watershed - New Interactive StoryMap

The information was written by Eric Lambert, Clean Water Outreach Specialist at Clark County Public Works, Clean Water Division. Clark County educators have a new digital tool to explore local watersheds in the classroom. Stormwater Partners of Southwest Washington recently launched Explore Your Watershed, an interactive StoryMap, as part...

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Making connections: resources from the Master Composter Recyclers


The Gardner School of Arts and Sciences is a small private school located in the Salmon Creek area of Clark County. This year, their staff have been working on certifying with Washington Green Schools and making their whole school a "Green Team." Two certification areas offer a chance for schools to work with our sister program, Clark County Master...

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