Clark County Green News

Current Green Schools news, articles and information

EarthGen Winter Teacher Training Recap

teachertrain2 Cameron Steinback introducing EarthGen's Winter Teacher Training.

On Thursday, Feb. 2, EarthGen and Clark County Green Schools hosted the Winter Teacher Training at the West Park Community Room in downtown Vancouver. Teachers from all areas of education throughout Clark County, came together to learn how and why certification with EarthGen is valuable. The leaders of EarthGen provided guidance and advice in a col...

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Hockinson Middle School Compost Launch


Clark County Green Schools is excited to announce the expansion of sort tables within the Hockinson School District! The Green Team at Hockinson Middle School remembered sorting their lunch waste in elementary school and asked the question, "why don't we sort our waste here?" With approximately half the student body as Hockinson Elementary, the mid...

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Join us for the Clark County Elementary School Student Summit on March 30th!

Calling all Clark County elementary school Green Teams! We are excited to announce the upcoming Elementary School Summit hosted in partnership with EarthGen this spring. Students and teachers from around the County will gather to engage with science and sustainable solution activities. Looking for some inspiration on what project to start...

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Clark County Green Schools is excited to welcome new Waste Connections Schools Educator, Crystal Moore to the team!

Crystal Moore recently joined the Waste Connections team as their Schools Waste Reduction Coordinator. Crystal comes to Waste Connections after working in the Public School System. After years of witnessing the inefficiency of school recycling, she realized that the best way to foster stewardship in youth is to promote education and outreach. Cryst...

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Register Today for the Clark County Winter Educator Training!

Registration Information  WHEN: Thursday, February 2nd 4:00-7:00  WHERE: West Park Community Room, Located in the Esther Short Building - 610 Esther St, Vancouver, WA 98660 REGISTER TODAY! For any questions, please reach out to Cam Foy at   Agenda Details Join us for the second in a series of professional ...

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