By Samantha Springs LeCain on Friday, 30 July 2021
Category: News

Recycling and waste reduction tips to start the year off right!

With the beginning of the schoolyear right around the corner, we want to make sure you have the right tools to properly recycle and reduce waste at your school. Recycling can be confusing, but we're here to help you with any recycling supplies and offer some tips for you to be successful in your sustainability efforts. If you need any recycling or composting supplies, please email us at You can find our offerings here.

Waste-free Lunch

​When packing a lunch from home, it's easy to throw in single-serving items like a juice pouch, bag of chips, applesauce pouch, and a sandwich in a plastic bag. These can all add up to a lot of waste, but there are tons of ways to pack a lunch without any plastic baggies, pouches, and wrappers.

​Best practices for waste-free lunch

Classroom Waste Reduction

This last year has taught us to be adaptable to new situations, and we sure have learned a lot! This has also meant that we've found even more ways to reduce waste around the classroom.

Best practices to reduce classroom waste


 (Milk/juice cartons)

Small cartons can be precarious for recycling systems. If bagged, the cartons begin to mold within 24 hours and are then not recyclable. Bags also clog the machines at the recycling facility.

Best practices for cartons

 Shredded Paper

Unless shredded paper is collected by a shredding service and brought directly to the recycling facility, it cannot be recycled. This is the same for curbside residential service as well. It is simply too small to properly go through our sort system and becomes like confetti at the transfer station.

Disposal practices for shredded paper