By on Friday, 03 January 2020
Category: News

Student Summit Information Announced - Two Summit Opportunities!

It's a new year and the Clark County Green Schools Student Summit has a new look this year too!

We have an exciting opportunity for Clark County high school students! The national Green Schools Conference & Expo is headed to Portland and we have a chance for Clark County high school students to be a part of the experience. We're collaborating with Oregon Green Schools to create a combined High School Student Summit at the conference on March 3rd at the Hilton Portland Downtown. 

This year our traditional Clark County Student Summit will be for elementary and middle school students on March 10th at Clark College. We're excited for the opportunity for students to have a Summit experience tailored to their ages. More information and registration for the elementary and middle school Summit is at the bottom of this post.

High School Student Summit info

High School Student Summit details:

Elementary & Middle School Student Summit info

Elementary and Middle School Summit details: 

Please contact Michelle Sanow with any questions. or 564-397-7338.