Join the WasteBusters Challenge!

Each year, our Clark County Green Neighbors program, which handles residential waste reduction and sustainability outreach, hosts an annual WasteBusters Challenge to support the community in their efforts to curb unnecessary production of waste.

We encourage Green Teams, classes, school staff and individual students to join in! The challenge format is virtual, with participants setting up accounts to interact with others in the waste-busting community. During registration, you will select one of three pledges to commit to over the three-week period of February 22 - March 15. Learn something new, adopt sustainable habits, and most of all, have fun! Please note that you must be 18 years or older to register for the challenge, so be sure to sign up with your family. Register for the challenge here.

Pledge Options

As a participant, you will commit to a sustainable habit during the 3-week period. This a great opportunity for students with an interest in science, conservation, or behavior psychology!

Take a look at the three pledges:

  • To reduce food waste, I pledge to work with my household to use up, or freeze, all of my fruits and vegetables before purchasing new produce items.
  • To reduce paper waste, I pledge to work with my household to enroll two accounts (i.e. credit, banking, utilities) in paperless delivery.
  • To reduce textile waste, I pledge to repair, swap, or buy second-hand clothes instead of purchasing new clothing items.

Points & Prizes

You can earn points throughout the competition by attending virtual events, completing weekly challenges and answering reflection questions. The individual and the group who earns the most points will each win a prize. Individuals who earn 500 points or more will also be entered into a raffle to win prizes. You will have the chance to win a refurbished iPad, an Instant Pot, reusable products and more!

WasteBusters Virtual Events

The events we are offering through WasteBusters and kid-friendly, so feel free to invite your students or families to attend.

Kick-Off Event:

Join us virtually on Sunday, February 21, 2 – 3:15 pm for details about the WasteBusters Challenge! Guest speaker Alex Luna (Owner of Kindred Homestead Supply) will share about how to sustain a low-waste lifestyle and make ethical consumer decisions. Busting waste can be easy and fun! Listen in on Alex's story to spark inspiration for your sustainability journey! Register for the kick-off event here.

Repair Clark County Show & Tell:

Join us virtually on Monday, March 1, 6 – 7:15 pm! Guest speaker Terra will share about the Repair Clark County program and how they help others repair, upcycle and more! After the presentation, we will have a show & tell opportunity. Bring an item that you have upcycled or repaired if you would like to share! We are excited to hear about new ideas! Register for the event here.

DirtHugger Virtual Tour:

Join us virtually on Monday, March 8, 6 – 7:15 pm! Guest Speaker Pierce Louis, co-founder of DirtHugger, will give us a virtual tour of the composting facility, share about the composting process, and answer questions you may have! Register for the event here.

Community Building

Consider signing you Green Team or class up as a group and possibly compete against another school. Groups are capped at 10 participants to make teams fair, but multiple teams can sign up from a school.

Our neighbors already incorporate many mindful practices into their lifestyles to bust waste and do their part for the environment. WasteBusters provides an opportunity to connect with other folks in Clark County and swap sustainability ideas! Learn in a hands-on, interactive way with fellow county neighbors through weekly challenges! Take your conservation habits to the next level or recommit to your values.